The Rise of Tabletop Games

A look at the Grandfather of Video Games.

September 24, 2022
Shaun Federspiel

Tabletop gaming is huge in nerd culture, and its if even bigger today than it has ever been before. Critics and other people thought tabletop games would go out the door with the advent of video games, but that didn't happen. The industry is still riding high and growing, whereas other may predicted its decline. In addition, it was also thought video games tabletop games would be direct competition to one another's markets. If anything, the relation between the two is symbiotic with new tech allowing the industry rapid growth. This can be clearly viewed as tabletop developers utilize new advancements to create of prototypes cheaper and easily accessible. All of this was prevalent and on display when I got to visit PAX West earlier this month. Here I got to experience the enthusiasm for tabletop gaming firsthand.

Firstly, there was a whole floor dedicated to tabletop gaming and with vendors from all around the world displaying new games and products. I couldn't help but notice the huge amount of dice vendors. Growing up as a child, I was always drawn to the mixed colors and styles people would have while playing Dungeons and Dragons. One of the first dice exhibits I spoke to was Q-Workshop, a Polish based dice manufacturer with a huge online presence. They were excited to show me their Witcher themed dice but I couldn't help being drawn to the Lovecraft inspired collection. The Cthulhu dice set is definitely on my Christmas wish list! Their story and the journey of their growth is a great example of how technology is helping to expand this industry. Another huge leap in a positive direction is 3D printing.

Resin printing has allowed high resolution miniatures to be created in small startups. These prototyping tools are also giving freedom to creators and developers to show their artistic vision and creative game design. No better example of this than the amazingly nerdy guys over with Snap Ship Tactics. A brand new tabletop miniature and card game based in a Sci-Fi world of ship on ship battle. 3D printing played a critical role in their testing and developing of their game leading to the creation of something unique and interesting. I got to talk to them about their brand new table top at Pax and they gave me the rundown. StarShip Tactics is kind of like Star Citizen and BattleTech had a baby. Players can snap off different hardpoints to customize their miniatures and their payloads prior to going into battle. They made their Kickstarter funding and are currently in pre-order. If Sci-Fi minis are not your thing and you love high quality miniatures, you should also look at Lethal Shadows Premium Minis. They had an awesome display at PAX West and their company was also utilizing resin style 3D printers to make some high quality minis. I was absolutely blown away with the fine details of their models and will definitely be checking them out in the near future.

All in all, I was blown away by the tabletop floor at PAX. It's another pillar showing that tabletop gaming is here to stay and grow. With other content coming out recently, such as Stranger Things and Adventure Time , pop culture even continues adding fuel the fandom. It's good to be a gamer these days, and I really look forward to the future of everything gaming.

All vendors discussed can be found here: 


